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Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Occasionally, I come across a balloon-artist that I feel is worthy of mention. With so many wanna-be's out there, trying to convince the world that they are the best example of what balloon-art should be, it just makes sense that someone should really make the effort to get the really great guys noticed. One of the best balloon-artistry experts in the world  is MARK VERGE of Canada. He has been twisting balloons into magnificent creations since 1995. I met Mark at the 2009 Diamond Jam balloon conference in Las Vegas. I helped him carry his gigantic sculpture of Tom and Jerry across the room and I watched as he made one enormous work of art after another. He was surprisingly easy-going and willing to share information on the techniques he used to make his amazing balloon-dresses and larger than life air-sculptures. You see, Mark specializes in HUGE balloon-art that captures an audience's attetion and their imagination. Known by his stage name in Canada, "Jungle Jack" Mark has been entertaining children and adults alike for years, creating some of the largest sculptures from latex balloons ever seen! His website Xtreme Balloons can be found at and is certainly worth a visit. MARK VERGE is one of the most innovative artists in the balloon industry and I highly recommend checking out his work. From life-sized motorcycles to realistic dinosaur-skeletons, Mark's work is both fascinating and inspirational. He deserves all of the awards he has won over the years along with MUCH respect from other balloon-artists all over the world.

Friday, November 5, 2010


It's November 2010, and the year is drawing to an end. It's been a difficult year for me, having moved to Florida from Texas, along with many other changes in my life have made 2010 very challenging. However, I hope that you have had all your dreams come true this year, and that you  are winding down, planning your new adventures for 2011. As you know, balloon art is not always just about the money. Sure, we all need cash, but a career as an artist has many layers, and money is only one of the motivators that often drives artists forward. We are motivated differently in life, often relentlessly driven by the creative process itself. We live to see what we created. We get a profound sense of accomplishment when others view and are utterly amazed by our work.  The payoff is in the appreciation. We strive to be more creative with each new attempt but sometimes as artists, we are faced with what I can only assume is the same for writers. There is a condition where our creative senses become blocked and stagnant. This is called "Writer's Block" when you are an author. I call it "Creative Block" for artists. It's almost as if your mind becomes stuck, and nothing will help it get unglued! You can't come up with new ideas, and your absolutely not interested in creating anything. It seems to effect us creative types at the most inappropriate times. For those that make their livings doing anything other than being creative, it's probably difficult to understand just exactly what a creative block really is. I have come to recognize this temporary state of mental inability over the years as I have pursued one creative endeavor after another. It seems to affect me most often around the holidays, when I am busiest with clients and cranking out balloon sculptures like a Keebler Elf Cookie Factory! As a full time artist, entrepreneur and instructor, I find it almost impossible to maintain my creative edge 100% of the time. What does a creative block feel like? How do you know if you are experiencing one, and how can you fix it?
Well, for starters, your normal level of enthusiasm begins to decline. It's not FUN anymore. Suddenly, it feels a lot more like WORK! Your motivation to create anything seemingly disappears, and your general sense of well-being from all of your artistic pursuits don't seem to provide much fulfillment anymore. This is one of the dangers of maintaining a work/performance schedule that consists mainly of  line-work, which is what you are doing when you are working at a special event or in a store or restaurant, twisting balloons for tips for the purpose of  entertaining large crowds. Hours of endless repetition twisting balloons can be exhausting, both mentally and physically. If you find that your interest in balloon artistry is suddenly wavering and your experiencing a creative block, my first suggestion is to check your schedule. If you are working so much that you have become a one-man production factory, then you may want to consider switching things up so you don't become burned out. Where line-work can be financially rewarding, it can also drain your spirit and leave you emotionally flat. I believe it is very important to pace yourself, especially during the holiday season, and maintain strict guidelines when dealing with potential clients. For example, if you know that a client wants you to work 12 hours on a Saturday and your best work usually starts to look like a nuclear disaster after 4 hours of non-stop work, then don't be bad to yourself and agree to take on that job. We all have our limits, and nobody other than the balloon artists in our industry understands just how physically demanding this type of work can be. I don't ever book an event where I will be expected to work more than 6 hours. That's my limit, and if I want to stay fresh then I acknowledge this rule every time I take an assignment. The other thing I feel is important is that you take time to look at other artists work. Inspiration comes from admiring other artists in your field. If you want to get through your creative block, then I suggest you make it a point to look at what other artists are doing in your field. Sometimes, seeing our art forms from someone else's perspective is exactly what we need to take our work to the next level. Make it a habit to look for other artists that inspire you at least once a week. You may find that simply exposing yourself to their particular style of artwork may just be the thing you were missing. The point is that burnout is very high in this profession. Search for ways to remain inspired. It is just as important to learn to pace yourself as it is to practice new designs or develop your business skills. Balloon artistry relies heavily on repetition, so it's important that you run your business in a way that allows you to unplug from your assignments and relax your mind and body. You will find in this business that less is truly more. For me, taking a few days of down time and leaving the balloons in the corner usually renews me and leaves me feeling fresh and focused so that I can perform for my next set of clients. I am careful to not take on more than I can comfortably handle, and I make it a point to pay attention to things other than balloon art on my days off. Usually, after a few days of something different my creative block goes away and I am ready to begin again. If you have any ideas or comments that would help with creative block for balloon artists, please feel free to leave a comment. Any new information that helps the artists in the balloon industry better represent the industry itself would be greatly appreciated!


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Addi Somekh Charlie Eckert "The Varieties Of The Balloon Hat Experience"

Every once in awhile something happens in the world that is of significant social value for society. The mainstream media, specifically the American Associated Press, and other world-wide news agencies may not recognize immediately the importance of such an event when it occurs, so sometimes it begins and concludes without much circumstance. That doesn't reduce the impact an event like this has on the people in the world that witness it. Such an event occurred in 2008, when a documentary was done about a couple of fellow artists named Addi Somekh and Charlie Eckert. That documentary was called "The Varieties Of The Balloon Hat Experience."
It was produced by Andy Wermouth (pronounced vermouth) email:
and was the story of how happiness is a universal language, represented by balloons in all cultures across the globe. "Smiles" are always the common reaction from both children and grown-ups whenever a balloon artist takes the time to make an air-sculpture or a balloon hat, even when given to someone in a third-world country or in a place where war has ravaged the land and spirits of all the people that live there. The simple truth is that balloon art makes people happy all over the world. 
"The Varieties Of The Balloon Hat Experience"
is a documentary film that chronicles the life and travels of two guys with a vision. Addi Somekh is a gifted balloon artist and Charlie Eckert is a photographer and together they set out on a trip around the world to take pictures of people laughing and having fun with balloons and show that no matter what the situation may be, people have the capacity to experience joy. People are wired to be naturally happy, even if just for a moment, under the worst conditions, people, when given the choice will find a way to show happiness and love. This film is about BALLOON ARTISTRY and PHOTOGRAPHY (Those that know me know these are two very important topics for me) The film is also about people, and how we are wired to  experience joy from our surroundings as well as love for each other. The link I have included will give you a preview of the experience. There are many pictures with captions that show and tell the story. As soon as I locate the movie, I will post instructions for viewing it. I am setting up a date in Tampa so that everyone can see the movie and help us raise money for a purpose which is to be announced. Please let me know what you think, I appreciate your comments and I hope learning about this documentary has  brought YOU a whole lot of joy!



Monday, October 18, 2010


I get that many of the folks that follow my blog are interested in the business of balloon artistry. They want to know Who I am, What I do, Where I'll be, and How I do it. Of course, there's always the "What does it cost?" question too, to which I usually respond,  "Price will vary" and then quickly begin answering the other more important questions that actually have to do with the ART form itself. It's not about the money, really. For me it's about the ART. It always has been. Artists have to make a living too, but the primary focus for us is in the creative processes that make the ART possible. Our "message" trumps our "money" for lack of a better way to explain it. This isn't a job. It's passion for a purpose. I call it ART FOR A CAUSE and I enjoy the pursuit of artistic excellence as much as I do the ART itself, even if we are just talking about some silly balloon animals! I expect people's natural curiosity to bring them here. If for nothing else than to just see what all the buzz is about. The pictures alone make this site something of interest for people who stop by. Thanks again for your interest in CREATIVE INFLATION. We wouldn't be what we are if it were not for our fans.

Please be sure to subscribe to this blog so I can keep you posted.

I wanted to take a minute and let you guys know that there is a movie you need to see.
EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP is a movie that should be seen by both artists and non-artists alike. It is the unlikely story of how a French shop keeper named Terry Guetta in LA who sells vintage clothing to the Los Angeles, Bohemian Art-Crowd develops an obsession with "STREET ART", better known as graffiti, and decides to make a documentary about the experience. Armed with nothing more than a video camera, VERY little film making skills, and a passion for the art scene, Terry records thousands of hours of footage detailing the underground life and meaning of the artists from L.A. to England who risk arrest and prosecution for vandalism in their mission to use art to make statements that often flare with political unrest and poke fun at the establishment. Many of you will recognize the iconic images in the film and probably remember seeing them recently, somewhere in the real "DIRT" world before. Perhaps the most recognizable image is the Obama HOPE poster done for the Presidential campaign that got President Barack Obama elected as our first black president.This image was done by SHEPARD FAIREY who is a prolific street artist who is also responsible for the GIANT OBEY stickers that were mysteriously seen posted  throughout the world a few years ago on the sides of buildings and in cities on other surfaces of other structures where they seemed to appear overnight (which they did) and ultimately communicated a message that seemed authoritative, yet unclear. If you have seen these images and wondered what they meant, especially the image of the giant that commands you to "OBEY" then you can go to Shepard's website and hang out there for a while. Buy some of his art. It's way cool and I highly recommend it!

The film features art by a variety of street artist, but none is probably more famous or INFAMOUS than the artist known as BANKSY. His identity is unknown, being kept a secret by those closest to him and even in the film he made his face is constantly obscured and his voice is digitally enhanced to prevent identifying him. BANKSY has done street art all over the world and though his true identity remains a mystery, his art has become so famous that it sells to some of the richest people in the world. Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, Christina Aguillera, are just a few of the wealthiest buyers who recognize that ART FOR A CAUSE, the very theme of the CREATIVE INFLATION blog, is worth whatever price is asked if it means furthering the mission. BANKSY ART commands prices that are thousands and thousands of dollars, and if you are fortunate enough that he Tagged one of your buildings you are trying to sell, then chances are that the art will be worth more than the real estate itself! The statements made by manipulating iconic images found in popular culture has a powerful effect on the minds of the masses. We are so used to seeing images, designed by slick agencies who are hired to sell services and products, that when we are faced with an image with a message, designed for no other purpose than to just be ART, our minds are temporarily shaken and our reactions can be totally unpredictable. That's precisely what ART should be. It needs to stir in us a response that reminds us to stay conscious of what the advertising guerrillas are really attempting to do. They wish to control our minds. Street Art attempts to liberate your mind and help you unplug from the temple of hyper-consumerism that seems to be sucking us in to what I imagine to be a vortex, constantly spinning and pulling us down.  I could go on but instead I just ask that you see the movie, "EXIT THROUGH THE GIFT SHOP." You will be glad you did. Also, I want it to be known that I am made humble every time someone appreciates my balloon artistry. I never expected it to move anyone. It does, however, and that's how art should be. A force that moves the world to think and to feel, even if just for a moment. If balloon artistry is what you do, then your chosen art-form should be no exception. Presented in interesting ways, intelligently conceived, and thoughtfully presented, the right art, be it street art or even balloon art, may just change the world.


Friday, October 15, 2010


Hi Guys! (and Girls) It's October 2010, which is Halloween time, a particularly busy time for those of us who make a living entertaining, marketing and fund-raising with  balloons. Fall festivals and Halloween carnivals are big this time of year. SO if any of my students would like to know the best approach to getting invited to one of these family-friendly events as a FEE PAID entertainer, then leave a comment or shoot me an email and I will do my very best to answer your questions as accurately as I can. We like suggestions here too, so if anybody would like to suggest anything of value on the subject of working in October in the balloon industry, your comments are also welcome. In fact, comments are the life-line of any good blog, so please, comment away!

As many of you know, I am now offering private lessons in the Tampa Bay Area, to anyone who would like to learn how to twist balloons either for fun or profit. Just email me at: if you would like more info. on prices for group classes or for private lessons.

As CREATIVE INFLATION embarks on a new journey towards educating artists to entertain with balloons, I felt it was entirely appropriate to give credit where credit is due. There was a beginning for me once. Years before I grew to become a professional balloon artist, or developed a passionate interest in the photographic arts, I was inspired by a man who is perhaps the most talented balloon artist on this planet. His large-scale installations have drawn scores of people from around the world, who have gazed upon his creations with awe and wonder. From life-sized-orange-flying-balloon-octopuses, to a 10,000 square-foot haunted mansion, constructed entirely out of latex balloons, his creations are as magnificent as his talents are awesome. I was fortunate enough to meet Larry Moss in person at the Diamond Jam Balloon Festival in 2009, in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was one of the designers in the Balloon Dress Fashion Show, which will be the subject of one of my next posts. When I talk about my "Beginning" in the Balloon Industry, I am most certainly referring to Larry Moss and his company in New York known as  
AIRIGAMI...The Fine Art of Folding Air
Larry is the kind of artist I appreciate most. With 25 years experience as an artist, beginning as a street performer in New York, he is one of the most recognized balloon artist in the world. Projects that bring communities together are of particular interest to him, according to his website. He has an advanced degree in applied mathematics and computer science, and a masters in elementary education. He's a brilliant small business owner and gifted entrepreneur too. He's published many books on creating advanced, balloon sculptures and he is particularly well known for his generous donations to non-profit organizations, going to benefit causes such as cancer treatment and research. His Haunted Balloon Manor, done in 2004,
was a 10,000 square foot haunted house installation made completely from balloons, and is credited to have raised more than $34,000.00 in cash from ticket sales which was all given to the cancer center at Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, NY. This kind of thing is rare and respectable to say the least and since there aren't many guys like Larry Moss out there, I thought it would be best to introduce you guys to the artist who first inspired me. 
                         photograph of Martha Stewart & Larry Moss courtesy of                         
His art-work opened my eyes to what was possible with balloons, and more importantly, showed me how to get involved with the community and be a part of things bigger than myself. Larry's work has made a huge impression on me. It took 5 days, 240 community volunteers, 60 artists from 13 states and 2 provinces in Canada, 60,000 balloons and over 2000 hours to create Balloon Manor in 2004! This project is a perfect example of what people can do when they share a vision and commit to a goal. Projects like this are truly amazing! They illustrate for us the power of the human spirit, and reveal to us the depths of creativity locked away in the human mind. What I am most impressed by however, is the generosity shown by Larry Moss and all those who helped create Balloon Manor. These artists donated their time and talent along with $34,000.00 dollars generated from the event that could have made them richer, but instead went towards making people with cancer better. That's a story which must be shared with every aspiring artist from now on, whether they choose balloons as their medium or not. Let's take Larry's idea of 
"ART FOR A CAUSE" and do more extraordinary things for the communities where we live. Air-artistry certainly gets peoples attention. The "Balloon-Man" makes new friends every day. That's my whole point with this!  Is there a chance as a group of artists, we can identify special causes and use our unique art-form to raise money and make a difference and see things change? It has always been my vision to run CREATIVE INFLATION as a For-Profit company, benefiting Non-Profit organizations. As I continue to work out the fuzzy details, perhaps you can help with the logic.  I challenge all the members of my tribe, all the people that read my blog posts, everyone I encounter every day, I challenge you guys to come up with this kind of  "Larger-Than-Life" art project that can be used to spearhead a campaign and raise serious money for a serious cause. I am willing to listen to you, no matter how out of this world it may seem to anyone else, I am totally on-board and ready to assist with this type of project! I believe that when people put their minds together and decide to do something great, there is a magical force which assists them and makes all things possible! So what do you want to do? Who needs help out there? Let's show the world again what a bunch of visionary artists can do with a few balloons! 

I think, with some strong leadership, a common goal, a whole lot of heart and a little bit of talent, we should be able to use air-artistry to REPEATEDLY raise money for good causes and bring hope to people all over the world!  Please submit your proposals and fund-raising ideas by email.  No suggestion is too big or too small. How can we use balloon artistry to make a difference in the world?

Peace, Life & LIGHT

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What Are You Becoming?

I am constantly amazed by the people, especially women I encounter in life that are constantly confused about why they don't have anything of significant value going on in their personal lives. Chances are, if you sit on your bed and watch television everyday of your life, you are going to become a dedicated television watcher, expertly aware of every re-run of every sit-com that has aired since 1973! Now if you would like your life to represent more than that, then I suggest a different approach. You are what you spend time doing. What you become is directly related to what you are working at becoming. If you look at your life and you haven't become anything that you are proud of, chances are you are working everyday at doing the wrong things. Only spend time doing things consistently that PRODUCE VALUE & CREATE PROSPERITY.

Build your life by improving these five key areas EVERYDAY 
Mental, Spiritual, Physical, Financial and Emotional 

By focusing on improving these parts of your life, you will create a life worth living. If you ignore these parts of your life, and work on everything else, you will be a failure. You will be depressed, FAT, broke, lonely, uninspired, and feel lost. I know, because I have lived my life both ways and I recognize how stupid it is to ignore these five key areas of your life. If you want to be HAPPY, SECURE, CONFIDENT, RICH & PROSPEROUS, then please, start living the way I suggest. You won't regret it. I promise.
It worked for me. It will work for you.

I am becoming a small business owner and an accomplished artist. Now, it's cool to be a working, artist that takes care of himself and his family. That's being a small-business owner, and an entrepreneur. It is not cool to be a starving artist. That's just being a bum and that lifestyle choice has no place in a true artist's life. If you are going to make a living as an artist, then be honest with yourself and always be a functional part of society so that you are always a part of the solution, not the problem. The only thing different between me and somebody else that needs a job, has a background, doesn't know what to do with life, has problems...etc. etc., is that I took the time in life to practice twisting the worlds best cartoon-balloon-characters. I embraced the art form and I dedicated myself to becoming talented as an artist and as an entrepreneur. Even when people made fun of me and told me how stupid I was, I kept practicing, knowing that someday I would own the most successful balloon decor and party planning business in the world! I am currently working on my CBA, (Certified Balloon Artist) from Pioneer Balloon Company and I am going to open a shop that decorates for Corporate events, provides decor for special occasions and creates balloon bouquets out of cartoon- balloon sculptures for special delivery. I will continue to do hourly entertainment for in-store events and at art festivals too. I have a clothing line coming out that is going to be T-SHIRTS with pictures of my cartoon balloon designs. My e-book will soon be available too for instant download and is called:


My book teaches people how to work for themselves, create cartoon-balloon-characters and work for tips at a variety of different places all over the world. I wrote this e-book for people that are looking for ways to work for themselves, love to travel, tend to be artistically inclined and who like to work with balloons. It teaches the business behind the balloons as well as providing instructions on how to make my characters. It is "must-read" information for anybody who wants to learn the secrets of my trade. The price of the book is peanuts compared to the money you will make because you learned the secrets of the balloon industry from me. I am happy to show you what you need to know, so that you can find your personal path to prosperity and freedom.

Peace Life & Light

Monday, February 22, 2010

Nothing Stays The Same

As an artist, I am always looking for inspiration. I find encouragement in the small things in life. Hearing a child laughing. Watching a couple that is truly in love. Sitting at the beach at sunset, letting my mind explore the many colors that the ocean world has to offer. I have chosen to use latex balloons to create my art in my life. My business, which I call CREATIVE INFLATION is all about the beautiful, the extraordinary and the temporary. Balloons are my medium and since I am blessed with the gift of attention deficit disorder, my creative genius is enhanced by knowing that whatever I create will not last forever. That's the point though, isn't it? Nothing really lasts forever. The beauty of art like mine is that the cycle of life is apparent to anyone who admires it. What starts out as a solid, youthful looking sculpture, soon becomes old, weathered and seemingly unimportant with the passage of time. I am reminded that everything I love goes through this cycle. From my favorite shirt to my best relationship. Life does not stay the same and the art of living is really all about being able to adapt to change.

Peace Life & Light


Monday, January 18, 2010


This is a blog about the business of ballooning. I am an artist and I twist balloons to create sculptures of popular cartoon icons such as Mickey Mouse and other Disney characters. I am able to re-create other cartoon characters too, like Bugs Bunny and the other Looney Tunes. If you would like to learn more about what I do, then please shoot me an email at

Peace Life & Light
